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Wir, die Unterzeichneten, glauben, dass die gegenwärtigen sozialen, wirtschaftlichen, politischen und pädagogischen Regelungen Machtverhältnisse reproduzieren, die tiefgreifende Ungleichheiten hervorrufen und letztendlich das Leben auf dem Planeten bedrohen werden. Wir stehen für alternative Pädagogik und für gerechte, regenerative Bildungssysteme, die die sozialen Transformationen unterstützen, die wir brauchen, um eine reichere, gerechtere und nachhaltigere Welt zu schaffen.
Organisationen Endorse
Name | Country | Position and Institution (for identification only) |
Rebecca Tarlau | USA | Assistant Professor, Penn State University |
Steven Klees | U.S. | Professor, University of Maryland |
Frank Adamson | U.S. | Assistant Professor, California State University, Sacramento |
Carol Anne Spreen | U.S. | Associate Professor, NYU |
Dr. Maria Ron Balsera | UK | Research and Advocacy Coordinator, ActionAid |
Salim Vally | South Africa | Professor, University of Johannesburg |
David Archer | UK | Head of Public Services, ActionAid |
Mark Ginsburg | U.S. | Visiting Scholar, University of Maryland |
Antonia Wulff | Belgium | Coordinator, Education International |
Gustavo E. Fischman | U.S. | Professor, Arizona State University |
Will Brehm | UK | lecturer, UCL Institute of Education |
Le Minh Hang | Vietnam | PhD Candidate, University of Maryland |
Delphine Dorsi | France | Executive Director, Right to Education Initiative |
Michael Gibbons | USA | Scholar in Residence, American University School of Education |
D. Brent Edwards Jr. | University of Hawaii | Associate Professor, University of Hawaii |
David Edwards | General Secretary, EI | |
Jennifer Ulrick | Program Officer, Education International | |
Dalila El Barhmi | Regional Coordinator Arab region, Education International | |
Martin Henry | Research Coordinator, Education International (EI) | |
Sangeeta Kamat | U.S. | Professor, University of Massachusetts at Amherst |
Noam Chomsky | USA | Professor, U. of Arizona |
Iveta Silova | Professor, Arizona State University | |
Henry M. Levin | USA | Emeritus Professor Teachers College, Columbia University and Emeritus Professor |
Tristan McCowan | UK | Professor, University College London |
Mario Novelli | Professor in the political economy of education, University of Sussex | |
Nisha Thapliyal | Australia | Senior Lecturer, University of Newcastle |
Melanie Walker | South Africa | Professor, University of the Free State |
Susan L Robertson | UK | Professor, University of Cambridge |
Bradley A Levinson | U.S.A. | Professor, Indiana University |
Antoni Verger | Associate Professor, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona | |
Anjela Taneja | India | Inequality Campaign Lead, Oxfam India / Convenor |
Carolina Guzman-Valenzuela | Chile | Professor, Universidad de Tarapaca |
Marta Estellés | Spain | Lecturer, Universidad de Cantabria |
Luis Armando Gandin | Brazil | Professor, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul |
Irna Senekal | Researcher, Centre for Post-school Education and Training, Nelson Mandela University | |
J. Félix Angulo Rasco | Chile | Senior Researcher, Center for Research in Inclusive Education CIE 160009 PUCV Chile |
Stephen Sheehi | USA | Sultan Qaboos Professor of Middle East Studies, Decolonizing Humanities Project |
Shahrzad Mojab | Canada | Professor, University of Toronto |
Adam Hanieh | UK | Reader in Development Studies, SOAS |
Rosa Pavanelli | General Secretary, Public Services Internationally (PSI) | |
Nelsy Lizarazo Castro | Coordinadora General, CLADE | |
Enver Motala | researcher, CIPSET and CAWE SOUTH AFRICA. | |
Vernor Muñoz | Head of Policy, Advocacy & Campaigns, GCE | |
Refat Sabbah | Palestine | GCE president , |
Antonio Luzon | Spain | Associate Professor, Universidad de Granada |
Laura Giannecchini | CLADE Institutional Development Coordinator, | |
Pam Christie | South Africa | Emeritus Professor, University of Cape Town |
Rasigan Maharajh | South Africa | Chief Director, IERI: Tshwane University of Technology |
Crain Soudien | South Africa | Emeritus Professor, University of Cape Town |
Sara Black | South Africa | University of Johannesburg, South Africa |
Andréa Barbosa Gouveia | Brasil | Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil |
Minho Yeom | South Korea | Professor, Chonnam National University |
N'Dri Assié-Lumumba | U.S. | Professor, Cornell University |
Yusuf Sayed | Professor, University of Sussex & CITE | |
Óscar Espinoza | Chile | Professor, Universidad de Tarapaca |
Maria Lourdes Almazan Khan | Secretary General, Asia South Pacific Association for Basic and Adult Education (ASPBAE) | |
Robert F. Arnove | U.S. | Emeritus Professor, Indiana University |
Jorge M. Gorostiaga | Argentina | Professor, Universidad Nacional de San Martín |
Geovana Mendonça Lunardi Mendes | Brazil | Professor, Santa Catarina State University |
Mónica Pini | Argentina | Full Professor, Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) |
Karim Hirji | Tanzania | Retired Professor, Muhimbili University |
Lisa Herzog | Netherlands | Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Groningen |
Shaeera Kalla | South Africa | Co-Founder, The Mbegu Platform |
Dipti Desai | New York University | Professor, New York University |
Lauren Ware Stark | United States | Visiting Assistant Professor of Education, Bowdoin College |
Pauline Lipman | US | Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago |
Ellen-Rose Kambel | The Netherlands | Director, Rutu Foundation for Intercultural Multilingual Education |
Christopher Henderson | Columbia University | Doctoral Fellow, Teachers College |
Mieke Lopes Cardozo | the Netherlands | Senior Lecturer, University of Amsterdam |
Juan D Parra | Colombia | Assistant Professor, Universidad del Norte |
Mauro C. Moschetti | Spain | Associate Researcher, Universitat de Girona |
Jorge Grant Baxter | Colombia | Associate Professor, Universidad de los Andes |
Christopher Lubienski | USA | Professor, Indiana University |
Pauline M. Martin | Director Master's in Education Policy & Evaluation, Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas | |
Lois Weiner | USA | Professor Emerita, New Jersey City University |
Un Leang | Cambodia | Dean, Royal University of Phnom Penh |
Michael W. Apple | USA | John Bascom Professor Emeritus, University of Wisconsin |
Alexander Means | University of Hawaii at Manoa | Associate Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa |
Jordan Naidoo | UNESCO Afghanistan | Director and Country representative, UNESCO Afghanistan |
Joel Samoff | Adjunct Professor, Retired, Stanford University | |
Angelo Gavrielatos | Australia | President, NSW Teachers Federation |
Ricardo Morales- Ulloa | Honduras | Professor, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán |
Jeremy Rappleye | Japan | Associate Professor, Kyoto University |
George Ciccariello-Maher | Vassar College | Visiting Associate Professor of Global Political Thought, Vassar College |
Gregory S. Poole | Japan | Professor, Doshisha University |
Theresa Adrião | Brazil | Professor, State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) |
T. Jameson Brewer | USA | Assistant Professor, University of North Georgia |
Byron Delgado Rocha | Nicaragua. | Professor, Universidad Centroamericana |
Na-iem Dollie | South Africa | Chief Editor: Education as Change, University of Johannesburg |
Daniel Burridge | U.S. | PhD Candidate, University of Pittsburgh |
Peggy Mwanza (PhD) | Zambia | University of Zambia, Zambia |
Kathryn Moeller | U.S. | Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison |
Rebecca Garelli | U.S. | Organizer, Arizona Educators United/National Educators United |
Gary Anderson | U.S. | Professor, New York University |
Alejandra Boni | Spain | Professor, Ingenio (CSIC-Universitat Politècnica Valéncia) |
Fernando Broncano Professor Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Spain | Professor, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Elizabeth Anderson Worden | USA | Associate Professor, American University |
Emily Morris | American University USA | Senior Professorial Lecturer, American University USA |
Paul Morris | UK | Professor Emerita, IOE, UCL |
Vajra M. Watson | USA | Faculty Director, Doctorate in Educational Leadership, California State University, Sacramento |
Owen S. Andrews | US | Instructional Specialist of English Language Learning, Anne Arundel Community College |
Thibaut Lauwerier | Switzerland | , University of Geneva |
Hugo Harari-Kermadec | Associate Professor, ENS Paris-Saclay | |
Veronica Yates | Director, Child Rights International Network - CRIN | |
Rita Locatelli | Italy | Post-doc research fellow, Catholic University of Milan |
Nairuti Shastry | United States of America | Researcher, Beloved Economies |
Massimiliano Tarozzi | Italy | Professor, University of Bologna |
Marcella Milana | Italy | Associate Professor, University of Verona |
Alex Cobham | UK | Chief Executive, Tax Justice Network |
James H. Williams | USA | Professor, UNESCO Chair |
Jing Lin | USA | Professor, University of Maryland |
Carlos Ornelas | México | Professor Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana |
ALLAN FISHER | United States | City College of San Francisco retired instructor |
Louis Wolf | U S A | Cofounder (1978) of CovertAction Quarterly |
Chris Yates | England, United Kingdom | Lecturer, University College London |
Dr Ian Warwick | United Kingdom | |
Dina Hashem | UK | Associate Director of Global Partnerships |
Josep Franco Cucarella | Spain | Development cooperation student |
Peter Hyll-Larsen | European | Writer, independent |
Joshua Castellino | United Kingdom | Executive Director & Professor of Law |
Maria Virgínia Brás Gomes | Portugal | Senior Social Policy Adviser |
Chawin Pongpajon | Thailand | Lecturer, Chulalongkorn University |
Mercedes Mayol Lassalle | Argentina | World President OMEP |
Mark Chapple | United Kingdom | Director - EiE Consulting |
Felix Alvarado | Guatemala / United States | Online Learning Initiative |
Ambarish Rai | India | RTE Forum |
Irvng Epstein | United States | Professor, Illinois Wesleyan University |
Fernando Broncano | España | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
Barbara Ginsburg | United States | Parent Educator |
marcela browne | Argentina | Education Coordinator |
Carolina Junemann | UK | Honorary Senior Research Associate, UCL IOE |
Lynsey Robinson | United Kingdom | PhD Candidate, UCL Institute of Education |
Joseba Sainz de Murieta Mangado | Spain | Professor. Basque Country University |
Mikateko Mathebula | South Africa | |
David Hursh | USA | Professor, University of Rochester |
Carly Manion | Canada | Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream/OISE, UT |
Shige Sakurai | USA | |
Nagore Iriondo Urbistazu | España | Teacher (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU) |
Fons Coomans | The Netherlands | Professor, Maastricht University |
Klaus D. Beiter | South Africa | Associate Professor, North-West University |
Rui da Silva | Portugal | Researcher - University of Porto (CEAUP) |
María Adelaida Entenza | Uruguay | Human rights lawyer, independent |
Alberto Croce | Argentina | Secretario Nacional (CADE) |
Ahmed Al-Qadhi | اليمن | CEO of Support Yemeni Society Organization |
Nora González Chacón | Costa Rica | Agenda Ciudadana por la Educación, Coordinadora |
Alejandra Castiglioni | Argentina | OMEP |
Oyindamola Sonola | Nigeria | |
Felisa Tibbitts | USA | Lecturer, Teachers College of Columbia University |
Diana Rodriguez Gomez | United States | University of Wisconsin, Madison |
Regina Cortina | USA | Professor Teachers College, Columbia University |
Vernor Muñoz | Costa Rica | Head of Policy, Advocacy & Campaigns, GCE |
Danièle Perruchon | France | Présidente OMEP-France, représentante OMEP à l'UNE |
Tetiana Kovalova | Ukraine | OMEP president |
Andressa Pellanda | Brazil | General Coordinator - Brazilian Campaign for RTE |
William Thelusmond | Haïti | Directeur Exécutif du REPT |
Nelsy Julieta Lizarazo Castro | Ecuador | Coordinadora General-CLADE |
Cecilia Gómez | Colombia | Coalición Colombiana por el Derecho a la Educación |
Pauline Lipman | US | Professor, University of Illlinois at Chicago |
Bruna Dalmaso-Junqueira | Brazil | PhD Cand Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul |
Khadija Abdous | Morocco | PhD Candidate, New York University |
Shahrzad Mojab | Canada | Professor, University of Toronto |
Ashley James Dawson | United States | Professor, City University of New York |
Maria Elena Urbano Dorado | Colombia | Coalición Colombiana por el Derecho a la Educación |
Rhoda Nanre | Nafziger | Affiliate Faculty, Penn State University |
Nora Rut Kuitca | Argentina | Presidenta OMEP Argentina |
Eva Da Porya | Argentina | |
Juan Manuel Díaz Yarto | México | |
Alice Taylor | U.S. | PhD Candidate, UC Berkeley |
Luis Fernandez | Mexico | |
Jesús Juárez Reyes | México | Coord Campaña por el Derecho a la Educación en Méx |
Claudia Loucel | Colombia | International Center for Tropical Agriculture |
Sachi Edwards | United States | Postdoctoral Researcher, The University of Tokyo |
Stephanie Hall | United States | Fellow, The Century Foundation |
Karen L. Biraimah | USA | Professor, University of Central Florida |
Yuko Ida | Okinawa, Japan/United States | PhD Student, University of Hawaii at Manoa |
Bernhard Streitwieser | United States | Associate Professor of International Education & I |
Keita Takayama | Japan | Professor, Graduate School of Education, Kyoto U. |
Irna Senekal | South Africa | Researcher (Nelson Mandela University) |
Na-iem Dollie | South Africa | Chief Editor: Education as Change |
Ofra Korat | Israel | Professor, Harris program, Bar Ilan Univesity, |
Ivor Baatjes | South Africa | Director (Nelson Mandela University) |
InJung Cho | Republic of Korea | PhD student, Waseda University |
Arathi Sriprakash | United Kingdom | Professor of Education |
Anne Hodgson | Wales | Doctoral student & ALN Teacher |
Niyanthini Kadirgamar | Sri Lanka | PhD Student, University of Massachusetts, Amherst |
Yanilis Romero | Colombia | Professor, Universidad de Cordoba |
Drissa TANGARA | Mali | Junior Lecturer at IUT, University |
Annika Hellberg | Sweden | Center for schooleducation in Gothenburg |
Ingrid Lewis | UK | Director, EENET - Enabling Education Network |
Leigh-Ann Naidoo | South Africa | University of Cape Town |
Laura Engel | U.S. | Associate Professor, International Education |
Hugo Andres Parra Munoz | Chile | Doctoral candidate at University of Bristol |
Julia Brunner | USA | Student, The George Washington University |
Matteo Corbucci | Italy | President, OMEP Italia |
Scott Perry | United States | Educator, Health To Grow On |
Noor Nieftagodien | South Africa | Professor, University of the Witwatersrand |
Lisa Rung | USA | |
Benoit Van Keirsbilck | Belgium | Director, Defence for children international Be |
Laurene Graziani | ||
Chelsea Rivera | USA | SDP Teacher and Grad Student, UPenn |
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